Using our Order Split app you can automatically split orders with out of stock units/variants from in stock.
Our app allows you to set custom order tags to identify orders that need to be put on hold.
Customize how you present custom pre order order products with our simple frontend options that utilize Shopify's Metafields.
We have a 2 tier subscription pricing model. We also offer custom pricing for customers who require it.
No, our app works for all Shopify tiers.
Simple and fast:
This whole process can happen in 12 - 48 hours depending on the complexity of your theme
Almost instantly, a few milliseconds after the original order is placed, if there are pre orders line items then the new order(s) generate in seconds.
No, generated orders are $0 and only the original order retains the value of the actual order.
We use 3 metafields on the variant level to determine: